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Klinkau 牌壓濾式脫水板可採用各種不同材質之濾板,如聚丙稀(PP), EP, PVDF 濾板. 板框呎吋由 470mmx470mm 至 2,000mm x2,000 mm. 數以萬計的 Klinkau 壓濾式脫水板 已經使用在很多壓濾脫水機上如 世界知名的 德國 Netzsch 牌壓濾脫水機上.



污泥注入泵浦擠壓脫水工作時間,減短過濾脫水批次時間,或再提高泥餅固體率 (Dry Solid %)。

膜片设計在加壓時鼓張及收縮在两條摺線 (Hinge Lines),大大減低膜片的摺曲引致破裂.


The movement of the membrane causes bending stresses, which can adversely affect the membrane’s ability to resist chemical attack. The KLINKAU Membrane Plate has been designed to counteract the bending stresses by constructing a " flexible area " instead of a " flexible point" to diminish the surface tension. Due to the "flexible area" design, the membrane can be constructed thicker than most standards. This design offers greater physical strength and resistance to chemical attack.

The center core of the Membrane plate is profiled to prevent the membrane from completely closing against the center core body. A distribution of the squeezing medium is possible through the whole area of the membrane at the beginning of the squeeze phase. This procedure guarantees a consistently even movement of the membrane.

The membrane is supported by the center core, i.e. it is supported inside to guarantee a controlled and gentle membrane movement during the filtration phase. The well-rounded contour of the membrane allows unhindered movement of the membrane and better cake release.

Corner Feed Plate

Center Feed Plate

Corner Feed Membrane Plate

Center Feed Membrane Plate


採用膜片擠壓式濾板可以縮短過濾脫水之週期,並提高泥餅之乾度 (DS%).



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不均勻的注泥每每是導致鼓脹膜易裂的主要原因.不均勻的注泥常見於近油壓干斤頂那邊 (Hydraulic Moving End). 當充气加壓時, 各塊濾板因承受不同壓力,会大大影響鼓脹膜壽命, 增加运作成本

鼓脹膜破裂会令到加壓時不能達至理想壓力 (現今設計多為15bar), 或加壓水流進泥餅,令泥餅含水率增加,影響脫水效果.

Klinkau 專利设計的無泥濾膜设計 (Empty Chamber Design)就是為此問題提供理想方案.

Klinkau 鼓脹膜(membrane plate)不論在填泥 (filling)/濾泥 (Filtration)階段或在高壓水或高壓空氣注入濾板與膜片加壓渣階段(Squeezing), 均防止因無泥填於濾板間,因鼓張而損毁膜片(Membrane leaf).

Applications 應用實例

Klinkau Empty Chamber design 無泥注入保護運作原理

膜片式壓濾機在污泥注入泵浦過濾脫水程序後,使用高壓水或高壓空氣注入濾板與膜片之間,鼓脹膜片擠壓濾餅強迫釋出殘餘水份,完成膜片擠壓程序後,釋出擠壓水或空氣. Klinkau 牌膜片採用無泥注入保護, 大大減低因無泥注入以導致鼓脹膜片擠壓空心濾板所帶來的傷害.

Empty Chamber Plate Operation


註: 流动中的黄色代表淤泥,藍色代表已濾出水,綠色代表注入濾板與膜片之間的高壓水或高壓空氣.紅色是濾布,包着濾板.

Empty Chamber Membrane Plate

Empty Chamber Companion Plate

"Empty Chamber" Membrane Plate

"Empty Chamber" Companion Plate

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All of the advantages and experience of the many thousands of welded KLINKAU Membrane Plates in operation were retained in the development of the KLINKAU Replaceable Membrane Plate.

Overhanging Plate Operation

The KLINKAU Replaceable Membrane Plate is a membrane plate in the "Empty Chamber" design with customer requested feed eye arrangement.

The membrane plate is supplied with a center body plate installed with full gasket sealing around the sealing surfaces and filtrate corner holes. The replaceable membranes are easily installed to the center body plate with stainless steel retaining rings and block/clip attachments for the top and bottom of the plate.

The design is available with or without stay-bosses and allows unrestrictive movement of the membrane.

The membranes can also be supplied with other core body plates such as ductile iron, aluminium, or stainless steel.

The Replaceable Membrane Plate system incorporates membrane plates and companion recess chamber plates in the "Mixed Pack" design.

The KLINKAU Replaceable Membrane has specific strength in the area of the sealing frame to take the closing pressures of the filter press.

The membrane has rubber-like flexibility in the piped areas of the filter plate.

The membrane can be easily replaced in a few minutes even after years of operation without taking the plate out of the filter press.

The KLINKAU Replaceable Membrane Plate can be used in any application where high filtration and squeeze pressure rates (up to 450psig) are required.

 Replaceable Overhanging Membrane Plate

Companion Recessed Chamber Plate

Replaceable Membrane Plate

Companion Recessed Chamber Plate

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Applications 應用實例

Klinkau Filter Plates 濾板在香港的項目參考





香港渠務署 西貢污水處理廠

Side bar Mixed Chamber - PP濾板

E &J


香港渠務署 赤柱污水處理廠

Overhead Mixed Chamber- PP濾板



香港渠務署 石湖墟污水處理廠

Side Bar Mixed Chamber-- PP濾板




Manual Side bar



香港水務署 大埔濾水廠

Side Bar Mixed Chamber-PP濾板,




Manual Side bar

US Filter


香港水務署 上水濾水廠

Side Bar Mixed Chamber



Overhanging PP Plate with Tilting mechanism for automatic sludge discharge ( Klinkau /Netzsch Patented )

Klinkau專利 上吊板自动開板及自动脫泥装置

其他配套如 Netzsch P.C.Pump 也可供應

上水濾水廠選用了兩台德國 Netzsch 牌脫水機,板框用PP料, 1.5米乘2米高,全自动開板及自动脫泥,在不須操作員清理板上沾着淤泥餅. 效果極好.

了解自动開板原理(Overhead Type Plate shifter ),請按此

了解自动脫泥 原理 (Long Tilting Frame for Automatic sludge discharge),請按此

Klinkau PP 板100% 完全適合更換在任何品牌, 任何呎吋,無論是吊式 (Overhanging) 或旁拉式 (Side Bar). 漸進部份更換或全數更換.( Partial replacement or total replacement).

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Replacement Proposal of the existing Filter Plates gradually when they are leaked.

Klinkau plate performance and its specific Empty Chamber feature allows longer operating lifetime even though the sludge filling amongst all filter plates are uneven which induces uneven distribution of filling pressure across the filter plates.

Klinkau membrane skin is easier to detach and replace and it would be done even the plates are hanging over the machine, but still maintaining a sound sealing performance.

Klinkau PP plates are now designed with removable handles which give you a higher flexibility to remove the plates for regular washing.

Klinkau PP plate is much lighter than Mild Steel plate which we can extend the lifespan of the civil foundation and the plate shifting mechanism. Also it has a higher degree of safety in operation and maintenance.

For an initial trial pack set, it is including :

One (1)  Head plate ( which is a Recess plate with 1 flat side faces toward the fixed end ) ;

One (1) Membrane Plate (already with overhanging membranes) ;

One (1) End Plate (which is also a Recess Plate but one side faces toward the membrane plate, one flat side is designed for ultimate facing the moving end ) ;

One (1) Adapter ( 2 sides are flatted which will be finally removed upon all plates at the machine are replaced by Klinkau system, and then it can be transferred to any machine if it has never been putting any Klinkau plates anymore).

See sample pack as below..

例 : 分期漸進更換至全數更換.两类板,PP 及包膠生鐵板可一同使用,不須改动任何设定.

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地点 Location 部门 脫水機品牌 呎吋 板框
马鞍山濾水廠 (自來水) Ma On Shan WTW 香港水務署 E&J 1500x1500 生鐵包膠
牛潭尾濾水廠 (自來水) Ngau Tam Mei WTW 香港水務署 E&J 2000x2000 生鐵包膠
上水濾水廠 ( 自來水) Sheung Shui WTW 香港水務署 E&J 1500x1500 生鐵包膠
小壕灣濾水廠 (自來水) Siu Ho Wan WTW 香港水務署 E&J 1500x1500 生鐵包膠
銀礦灣濾水廠 (自來水) Silvermind Bay WTW 香港水務署 LES 1200x1200 PP
屯门濾水廠 (自來水) Tuen Mun WTW 香港水務署 LES 1200x1200 PP
大埔濾水廠 ( 自來水) Tai Po WTW 香港水務署 Netzsch 1500x2000 Klinkau, PP
凹頭濾水廠 ( 自來水) Au Tau WTW 香港水務署 Netzsch 1500x2000 生鐵包膠
北港濾水廠 ( 自來水) Pak Kong WTW 香港水務署 Netzsch 1500x2000 生鐵包膠
西貢汚水處理廠 Sai Kung STW 香港渠務署 E&J 1300x1300 Klinkau PP
石湖汚水處理廠 Shek Wu Hui STW 香港渠務署 USFilterE&J 1300x1300 PP
長洲汚水處理廠 Cheung Chau STP 香港渠務署 E&J ? 生鐵包膠
石湖汚水處理廠 Shek Wu Hui STW 香港渠務署 E&J 1300x1300 生鐵包膠
大埔汚水處理廠 Tai Po STW 香港渠務署 E&J 1500x2000 生鐵包膠
元朗汚水處理廠 Yuen Long STW 香港渠務署 E&J 1500x2000 生鐵包膠
马灣汚水處理廠 Ma Wan STP 香港渠務署 LES 1200x1200 PP
赤柱汚水處理廠 Stanley STW 香港渠務署 R&B 1200x1200 Klinkau PP
梅窩汚水處理廠 Mui Mo STW 香港渠務署 R&B 1000x1000 PP
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How Membrane Process works

Mechanism of Cake Scraping

Applications 應用實例

板框材料比較 : 生鐵包膠 vs.聚丙稀


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