Activated Carbon Adsorption System 活性炭吸附系统 Crosstek X-Carb activated carbon adsorption systems are highly efficient in eliminating residual odours from municipal and industrial processes. It is also effective for eliminating residual organic compounds from exhaust and other difficult to treat the odours. The system is designed to provide a cost effective odour removal solution with ease of installation and operation. 科特环保 X-Carb 活性炭吸附系统能高效去除市政及工业流程中产生的恶臭气体,同时也能有效吸附废气中的有机化合物和一些难处理的恶臭物质。系统提供了一种经济有效,安装简单,操作容易的恶臭治理方法。 Activated carbon is the most widely used adsorbents for air pollution control. It has a very porous structure with a high surface-to-volume ratio; thus, a large surface area is available for adsorption in a relatively small volume. When the foul gas passes through the carbon bed, the odorous compounds are adsorbed onto active sites on the carbon surface. Activated carbon is highly effective at removing odorous organic compounds. 活性炭是在空气污染控制领域应用最广的吸附剂 . 它丰富的多孔构造和高比表面积的特性 , 使它能在一个相对较小的体积内 , 提供一个很大的吸附表面 . 当臭气流经炭床时 , 臭味物质就被牢牢地吸附在活性炭表面 . 对有机恶臭化合物 , 活性碳吸附尤其有效 . System Advantages ( 系统优点 ):
Activated Carbon 活性炭 The X-Carb activated carbon has been developed to offer customers a range of products that will allow them to filter out airborne odour causing acid gases in the vapour phase. The X-Carb activated carbon range removes various types of odorous gases through selection appropriate carbon manufactured from both bituminous coal and coconut shell and impregnated with specific chemicals. X-Carb 活性 炭 包括一系列用于气体吸附的产品 , 根据原材料不同 , 可分为煤质活性炭 , 椰壳活性炭 , 根据生产工艺不同 , 又可分为药浸和非药浸 , 总之 , 可根据客户的情况 , 选用最合适的产品 . |
Biological Scrubber 生物洗气塔 Crosstek X-BIOS uses selected micro-organism inoculated on special packing media to remove contaminant compounds. The microbes either as a single organism or as consortia have a high degradation efficiency with respect to a wide range of VOC and odour-forming compounds. These compounds are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water by the action of microbial enzymes which allow the microbes to use the contaminants as a source of energy for cell growth. 科特环保 X-BIOS 通过在填料表面接种经筛选过的微生物来去除污染物 . 这些微生物可以是单一品种 , 也可以是对不同污染物和 VOC 具有高效降解能力的多个品种的组合 . 经过微生物的生化氧化反应 , 污染物大部分被分解成二氧化碳和水等无害物质 , 小部分成为微生物自身细胞生长的物质和能量来源 .
Benefits 优点
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Chemical Scrubber 化学洗气塔 Crosstek chemical scrubbers ( X-CHEM ) are versatile, reliable systems that serve the widest variety of processes. Crosstek X-CHEM are highly recommended for the efficient removal of inorganic gases, odors and fumes, and are particularly appropriate where gas streams have extreme pH. The operating principle behind the chemical scrubber is the absorption of waste contaminants contained in a gas phase (process exhaust) and transferring them to a liquid state. 科特环保 的化学洗气塔 X-CHEM 设计灵活 , 性能可靠 , 能广泛适用于不同气体处理 , 如有毒有害气体 , 恶臭气体 , 烟雾等 , 都能高效去除 . 化学洗气的基本原理就是将存在于气相的污染物传递到液相 , 经化学反应达到去除的目的 . Characteristics and features 特征和性能
Examples of application - Absorption of gaseous contaminants, such as: 应用举例 – 吸收气态污染物 , 如 :
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Laboratory Scrubber 实验室专用洗气塔 Crosstek laboratory scrubber ( X-LAB ) is designed for control of toxic and odorous chemical pollutants typically generated from laboratory activies and equipment, such as fume hood and exhaust. X-LAB scrubber is compact and has a small footprint. It is recommended for indoor applications. 科特环保实验室专用洗气塔 ( X-LAB )是专门针对实验室设备及日常操作中所产生的有毒有害,或恶臭的化学物质所设计的污染控制系统,具有布局紧凑,占地小的特点,可适用于实验室的狭小空间。 Depending on the chemical composition of the influent gast, the X-LAB scrubber can be operated by water or caustic or acidic solutions. 根据进气中所含化学成分的不同,X-LAB洗气塔可选用水,碱或酸性溶液作为循环液体。 Characteristics and features 特征和性能
Applications of X-LAB scrubber: X-LAB洗气塔的应用:
Odour Neutralizer 恶臭中和剂 Crosstek's range of chemical products for VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and septicity control incorporates complex blends of activated fragrances & essential oils extracted from plants, leaves, trees, flowers, fruits and other natural ingredients, presenting the unique ability to chemically neutralize odours and gas emissions. The formulations are pH neutral, non-hazardous and biodegradable. They do not affect the existing biological activity or accumulate in soils or streams and will not harm the environment. None of the products are enzyme-based or contain bio-stimulants and will not lead to fat/grease hydrolysis or process carry-over. 科特环保 也提供一系列特制药品 , 专用于控制 VOCs(挥发性有机化合物)和腐臭物质 . 这些特制药品由香料和从叶 , 树 , 花 , 果等植物中提炼出的精华油混合而成 , 具有独特的臭味中和能力 . 其本身中性 , 无害 , 且可以被生物降解 , 不含酵素或生物激素 , 不会影响自然的生物活动 , 也不会在土壤或水体中累积 , 对环境没有任何危害 . |
Inline Air Filter System 在线空气过滤系统 Crosstek Inline Air Filter Systems are self-contained, high efficiency air cleaners with a variety of filter options to address specific source treatment requirements, such as dust and odours. Units can be placed ontop a machine, hung from the ceiling, floor mounted or incorporated with ductowrk. 科特环保在线空气过滤系统集排风机和过滤器于一体,是高效的空气净化器,可根据不同废气特性和处理要求,如除尘,除味等,选用和搭配不同的过滤器。系统可置于其它机器上,或悬挂于吊顶内,也可直立在地板上,更可与通风管连为一体。 Features & Benefits 特性与优点